Not a hoax: Univision buys stake in 'Onion'

Aiming to use humor to boost its audience, US broadcasting group Univision said Tuesday it was acquiring a stake in the satirical news group The Onion.

Artificial muscles created from gold-plated onion cells

Just one well-placed slice into a particularly pungent onion can send even the most seasoned chef running for a box of tissues. Now, this humble root vegetable is proving its strength outside the culinary world as well—in ...

Japanese company 'makes tear-free onions'

The sobbing of a chef as he chops onions in the kitchen could be a thing of the past thanks to one Japanese company which says it has produced a tear-free vegetable.

How onions recognize when to bulb

New research from New Zealand will help to breed new onions tailored to grow in specific conditions.

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