Tools with sensor manufacture advanced aircraft components

They are the world leader in long, slim tools for manufacturing advanced aircraft components and offshore oil valves. Now the company is to fit sensors to its tools to prevent valuable materials being wasted.

Raman pixel by pixel

New data processing protocol enables feature-based recognition of Surface-enhanced Raman spectra for intracellular molecule probing of biological targets. It relies on locally detecting the most relevant spectra to retrieve ...

Designing a cleaner future

A slum on the outskirts of Accra, Ghana, received major media attention in 2010 and 2011 when the outside world realized where computers go to die. In an area called Agbogbloshie, impoverished residents were burning broken ...

New material holds big energy hope

( —A new material that can store large amounts of energy with very little energy loss has been developed by researchers at the Australian National University.

Pickling tape for local pre-treatment of aluminum

A new self-adhesive tape simplifies the process of pickling aluminum surfaces. It is safer than existing treatment methods involving pickling pastes, sprays or baths, because there is no rinsing stage and hence no need for ...

Effect of image-charges on electron transport better understood

Electron transport through a single molecule offers a highly promising new technology for the production of electronic chips. However it is difficult to make a good conducting connection between the molecule and the metal ...

Novel, low-cost metal-forming process using a magnetic field

European scientists developed a novel foundry process using moulds formed by 'binding' metallic particles with application of a magnetic field. The process produced high-quality, complex parts at a very competitive cost.

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