New genus of tree hole breeding frogs found in India

Scientists describe and name a new genus of tree hole breeding frogs from India, according to a study published January 20, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by S. D. Biju from the University of Delhi and colleagues.

Some frogs surviving deadly chytrid fungus infection

Australian scientists have found that some native frogs are winning their war against the world's most devastating frog-killer – the chytrid fungus – while others are losing it.

Tree frogs speed up their life cycle when becoming lunch

Think again if you've always believed that events in the life cycle of animals happen consistently, almost rigidly, as part of the natural rhythm of nature. Studies by Sinlan Poo and David Bickford of the National University ...

An unprecedented threat to Peru's cloud forests

Peru's cloud forests are some of the most biologically diverse ecosystems in the world. A profusion of tree and plant species as well as one third of Peru's mammal, bird and frog species make their home in these perennially ...

Croaking chorus of Cuban frogs make noisy new neighbors

Human-produced noises from sources such as traffic and trains can substantially impact animals, affecting their ability to communicate, hunt, or even survive. But can the noise made by another animal have the same detrimental ...

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