Salt's love of water can play a key role in safe CO2 storage

Subsurface storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most promising technologies for removing large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. The method, referred to as CCS (carbon capture and storage), is regarded as an effective ...

Deeper insights into protein folding

Investigating the structure and dynamics of so-called Meso-Bio-Nano (MBN) systems—micron-sized biological or nanotechnology entities—is a rapidly expanding field of science. Now, scientists Alexander Yakubovich and Andrey ...

The result of slow degradation

Why do environmental pollutants accumulate in the cold polar regions? This may not only be due to the fact that many substances are less volatile at low temperatures, as has been long suspected, but also to their extremely ...

Surfing on acoustic waves (w/ Video)

( —ETH researchers are able to make objects such as particles and liquid droplets fly in mid-air by letting them ride on acoustic waves. For the first time, they have been able to also control the movement of objects, ...

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