Explaining gravity without string theory

For decades, most physicists have agreed that string theory is the missing link between Einstein's theory of general relativity, describing the laws of nature at the largest scale, and quantum mechanics, describing them at ...

Mathematicians unravel a thread of string theory

Simply put, string theory is a proposed method of explaining everything. Actually, there's nothing simple about it. String theory is a theoretical framework from physics that describes one-dimensional, vibrating fibrous objects ...

Chandra data tests 'theory of everything'

One of the biggest ideas in physics is the possibility that all known forces, particles, and interactions can be connected in one framework. String theory is arguably the best-known proposal for a "theory of everything" that ...

Dark energy vs. modified gravity: Which one will prevail?

Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts the existence of dark energy—a mysterious form of energy that permeates space and accelerates the expansion of the Universe. But what if Einstein was wrong and there was ...

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