How to turn a tentacle into a foot

All multicellular organisms, including humans, animals and plants, are made up of specialized cells called differentiated cells. Thus, the cells that make up the epidermis do not have the same identity—nor the same function—as ...

Bioreactor keeps cell culture conditions under control

A cell-culturing technique developed by KAUST scientists helps to create biological conditions that more closely mirror physiological environments compared to standard protocols used in most laboratories today.

Migration as morality politics

Migration often serves as an arena for conflicting values. In this context, religious groups, civil society organizations and local authorities often show a more liberal attitude than the state. The political scientist Julia ...

Making lab-grown brain organoids 'brainier'

By using stem cells to grow miniature brain-like organs in the lab, scientists have opened a new avenue for studies of neurological development, disease and therapies that can't be conducted in living people. But not all ...

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