Deep science drove discovery of Titanic

Today, anyone with a wad of cash and a sense of adventure can dive to the Titanic's deepsea grave, but behind these tourist jaunts lies a long and daunting tale of scientific endeavour.

VLT takes most detailed infrared image of the Carina Nebula

( -- ESO's Very Large Telescope has delivered the most detailed infrared image of the Carina Nebula stellar nursery taken so far. Many previously hidden features, scattered across a spectacular celestial landscape ...

I-maginary Phone: iPhone as a hand phone? (w/ video)

( -- Once you have had your smart phone for a while using your touch screen becomes a bit of second nature. You begin to know where you icons are and how to do things without looking down at the screen. What if ...

RASICAM: The Little Infrared Camera that Could

( -- Perched on a peak high in the Chilean Andes, 2200 meters above sea level, the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory has an enviable view of the night sky. In 2011, the Dark Energy Survey collaboration will ...

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