Manatee hearing good enough to sense approaching motorboats

Every year, manatees are injured in boat collisions. Why don't they just move when they hear a boat approach? A team of scientists led by Joe Gaspard from Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium, USA, have found that manatee ...

Mediterranean Sea invaded by alien species

More than 900 new alien species have been encountered in the coastal environments of the eastern Mediterranean Sea in recent decades, including the poisonous pufferfish. The invasion of alien species has had the consequence ...

Ancient pygmy sea cow discovered

( -- The discovery of a Middle Eocene (48.6-37.2 million years ago) sea cow fossil by McGill University professor Karen Samonds has culminated in the naming of a new species. This primitive "dugong" is among the ...

Government to remap manatee habitat

It has been more than 30 years since federal wildlife managers formally mapped the places where endangered manatee live in Florida. On Tuesday, they acknowledged it's probably time for an update.

NASA Heads Out to Sea

NASA scientists Maury Estes and Mohammad Al-Hamdan have been seafaring in the Gulf of Mexico, and one of them grew a bit green around the gills. It's not surprising that a space agency scientist might have trouble getting ...

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