Cracking the code of the Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered some 70 years ago, are famous for containing the oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and many hitherto unknown ancient Jewish texts. But the individual people behind the ...

Sociologists study the impact religion has on child development

Do children raised by religious parents have better social and psychological development than those raised in non-religious homes? In a new study, researchers found that religion can be a mixed blessing for children as they ...

Jewish cuisine punching above its paunch

"In the late 30s, you could get a smoked meat sandwich for five cents," said Olivier Bauer, a professor at the University of Montreal's Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies. "Today, the sandwich is not cheap, but it ...

Synthetic biologists break new ground in medicine, energy

With such ambitious goals as helping cure cancer and eradicating pervasive disease, some of the most talented scientists in the country from the emerging field of synthetic biology are breaking new ground at Northwestern ...

Do you benefit from slave labor?

What would you do if you knew your fast-food burger, the steel in your car, the leather for your shoes or that shiny hardwood floor came as a result of slave labor?

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