For identical quantum channels, order matters

Physicists have demonstrated that using two quantum channels in different orders can enhance a communication network's ability to transmit information—even, counterintuitively, when the channels are identical. This result ...

Quantum 'spooky action at a distance' becoming practical

A team from Griffith's Centre for Quantum Dynamics in Australia have demonstrated how to rigorously test if pairs of photons - particles of light - display Einstein's "spooky action at a distance", even under adverse conditions ...

Probing quantum phenomena in tiny transistors

Nearly 1,000 times thinner than a human hair, nanowires can only be understood with quantum mechanics. Using quantum models, physicists from Michigan Technological University have figured out what drives the efficiency of ...

Scientists develop long-range secure quantum communication system

A group of scientists from ITMO University in Saint Petersburg, Russia has developed a novel approach to the construction of quantum communication systems for secure data exchange. The experimental device based on the results ...

Revealing ion transport at the nanoscale

EPFL researchers have shown that a law of physics having to do with electron transport at nanoscale can also be analogously applied to ion transport. This discovery provides insight into a key aspect of how ion channels function ...

Quantum networks: Back and forth are not equal distances

Quantum technology based on light (photons) has great potential for radically new information technology based on photonic circuits. Up to now, the photons in quantum photonic circuits have behaved in the same way whether ...

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