Feathery moa's fossilized footprints, ancient age revealed

Cosmogenic nuclide dating, a method commonly used in dating coastal areas and alluvial riverbeds for landscape reconstruction, is also useful for calculating the age of trace fossils, such as a footprint, where no remains ...

New research exposes humans' early ecological versatility

A recent study by University of Helsinki researchers sheds new light on the ecological adaptability of early humans at the time when they first expanded their range outside Africa, from 2 million to 1 million years ago.

Fossils show ravens lived alongside early humans in Beijing

While ravens do not occur in China's capital Beijing today, a new study analyzing fossil bird bones from the UNESCO World Heritage Zhoukoudian "Peking Man" site demonstrates that ravens lived in western Beijing at the same ...

Remains found in China may belong to third human lineage

A team of paleontologists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, working with colleagues from Xi'an Jiaotong University, the University of York, the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Research Center ...

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