Adapting technology to image blood vessels in skin disease

Small vessel vasculitis—inflammation of the small blood vessels—appears as a stain of tiny, red dots covering the skin that, depending on the severity, can evolve into painful pustules or ulcers. In some patients, it ...

Laser, sound waves provide live views of organs in action

Biomedical engineers are now able to take a live, holistic look at the inner workings of a small animal with enough resolution to see active organs, flowing blood, circulating melanoma cells and firing neural networks.

Compound boosts contrast of photoacoustic images

An agent for enhancing the contrast of photoacoustic imaging—an emerging imaging modality that involves 'listening' to the sound generated by laser light—has been developed by A*STAR researchers.

Veggie juice that illuminates the gut

The pigment that gives spinach and other plants their verdant color may improve doctors' ability to examine the human gastrointestinal tract.

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