How bamboo could help build a sustainable future

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin's School of Engineering believe that bamboo could be used to build many things from bicycles to houses in the not-too-distant future.

Exploring new methods of thermal recovery

Berna Hascakir, assistant professor in the Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M, was featured in a recent article on thermal recovery by Jennifer Pallanich in the Upstream Technology bimonthly magazine.

Team demonstrates gels that can be moved, controlled by light

( —Some animals—like the octopus and cuttlefish—transform their shape based on environment, fending off attackers or threats in the wild. For decades, researchers have worked toward mimicking similar biological ...

Taking X-rays of CO2

As CO2 levels in the Earth's atmosphere top 400 parts per million, options such as storing the greenhouse gas in porous sandstone rock formations found in abundance on the sea floor are of increasing interest. But how do ...

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