Lisa Pathfinder completes first operations phase

On Saturday 25 June, the LISA Technology Package (LTP) – a European payload on ESA's LISA Pathfinder – completes its nominal operations phase, passing the baton to the Disturbance Reduction System, an additional experiment ...

Image: Cold gas in deep space

This image shows the LISA Pathfinder launch composite (spacecraft plus propulsion module) at the IABG test centre in Ottobrunn, near Munich, Germany, on 31 August 2015, before it was shipped to the launch site.

Prototype gravitational wave spacecraft sets new free fall record

A key component of a future gravitational wave observatory passed a series of tests with flying colors, while coming closer to experiencing true free fall than any other human-made object ever has. At the heart of the experiment ...

Satellite to test universality of freefall

France's Microscope satellite, carrying a set of ESA high-tech thrusters, lifted off last night from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, taking advantage of the same Soyuz launch that took the EU's Sentinel-1B into ...

Pulsation-driven winds in giant stars

Nearly all stars have winds. The Sun's wind, which originates from its hot outer layer (corona), contains charged particles emitted at a rate equivalent to about one-millionth of the moon's mass each year. Some of these particles ...

A perfectly still laboratory in space

Following a long series of tests, ESA's LISA Pathfinder has started its science mission to prove key technologies and techniques needed to observe gravitational waves from space.

Freefall achieved on LISA Pathfinder

On Monday, the two cubes housed in the core of ESA's LISA Pathfinder were left to move under the effect of gravity alone – another milestone towards demonstrating technologies to observe gravitational waves from space.

ATLASGAL survey of Milky Way completed

APEX, the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment telescope, is located at 5100 metres above sea level on the Chajnantor Plateau in Chile's Atacama region. The ATLASGAL survey took advantage of the unique characteristics of the telescope ...

Test cubes floating freely inside LISA Pathfinder

ESA's LISA Pathfinder has released both of its gold–platinum cubes, and will shortly begin its demanding science mission, placing these test masses in the most precise freefall ever obtained to demonstrate technologies ...

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