Family-school engagement has specific perks for young students

With school in full swing, many parents might be considering how to get more involved with their child's schooling. Parent involvement and support can be beneficial for students of all ages, but new research shows that family-school ...

Preschoolers can do more math than you think

Preschoolers are capable of learning more complicated math concepts than most parents realize, according to a new Vanderbilt study. What's more, these concepts can be easily introduced through simple games and tasks at home.

Sociologists study the impact religion has on child development

Do children raised by religious parents have better social and psychological development than those raised in non-religious homes? In a new study, researchers found that religion can be a mixed blessing for children as they ...

Do summer jobs provide lifelong benefits for teens?

Fewer teens in the U.S. are spending their summers flipping burgers, mowing grass or performing other types of seasonal jobs than did prior generations, labor experts report. University of Illinois Extension educator Kathy ...

Parents' math skills 'rub off' on their children

Parents who excel at math produce children who excel at math. This is according to a recently released University of Pittsburgh study, which shows a distinct transfer of math skills from parent to child. The study specifically ...

Parents positive about classes

Mums and dads are likely to sign up for parenting classes - but only if there is adequate funding, according to new research.

Brain steroids make good dads

Testosterone in males is generally associated with aggression and definitely not with good parenting. Insights from a highly social fish can help understand how other androgenic steroids, like testosterone, can shape a male's ...

What the birth rate says about changing family dynamics

( —An Iowa State University sociologist is not surprised by a recent U.S. Census Bureau report showing a spike in the number of unmarried women giving birth. According to the report, nearly 36 percent of babies ...

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