Vaccination for bees doesn't sting

Beekeepers could soon have a new option for protecting hives from a devastating disease: the first vaccine for insects.

You're never too busy for self-gifting, study finds

People who are feeling tense due to demands at work or home tend not to reward themselves with gifts, new research finds—even though a new product or visit to the spa might be exactly what they need.

Why hay fever may get worse in a warming climate

Spring—for many, a time of lifting spirits after those long winter months of short days and cold nights. But for about a third of our population who suffer from hay fever, asthma, or both, spring and early summer can be ...

Tapping the ocean as a source of natural products

The oceans are teeming with countless forms of life, from the world's largest creature—the blue whale—to miniscule microorganisms. In addition to their vast numbers, these microorganisms are also crucial for ensuring ...

Less air pollution leads to higher crop yields, study shows

Usually, increasing agricultural productivity depends on adding something, such as fertilizer or water. A new Stanford University-led study reveals that removing one thing in particular—a common air pollutant—could lead ...

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