How a rare plant species could hinder a needed lithium mine

Skyrocketing demand for domestically sourced lithium to meet federal goals for zero-emission technologies has developers planning for the next great mining boon in the Silver State, but a rare wildflower may stymie one proposed ...

Machine learning could revolutionize mineral exploration

Twenty-first century technologies, including those central to a low-carbon future, rely on rare earth elements and metals. Many of these sought-after minerals reside in porphyry copper deposits that contain hundreds of millions ...

First millipede with more than 1,000 legs discovered

The discovery of the first millipede with more than 1,000 legs is reported in Scientific Reports this week. Prior to this, no millipede had been found with more than 750 legs.

Clues from soured milk reveal how gold veins form

For decades scientists have been puzzled by the formation of rare hyper-enriched gold deposits in places like Ballarat in Australia, Serra Palada in Brazil, and Red Lake in Ontario. While such deposits typically form over ...

Tasting groundwater reveals reserves of valuable minerals

CSIRO researcher Dr. Nathan Reid led a team of scientists analyzing samples of groundwater from the Capricorn region in Western Australia, where layers of sediment and weathering are believed to hide potential ore deposits ...

New way to date rocks

A new way to date a common mineral could help pinpoint ore deposits and improve mineral exploration globally, according to University of Queensland scientists.

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