Intense lasers magnetize solids within attoseconds

Intense laser light can induce magnetism in solids on the attosecond scale—the fastest magnetic response to date. That is the finding reached by theoreticians at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of ...

Can we protect Earth from space weather?

In early September 1859, the Northern Lights could suddenly be seen as far south as the Caribbean. The cause was a geomagnetic solar storm—specifically a coronal mass ejection, now dubbed the Carrington Event, after the ...

NASA's IXPE helps solve black hole jet mystery

Some of the brightest objects in the sky are called blazars. They consist of a supermassive black hole feeding off material swirling around it in a disk, which can create two powerful jets perpendicular to the disk on each ...

Dual-polarization two-dimensional valley photonic crystals

The introduction of topology in photonic systems has attracted considerable attention not only for the elaborate molding of light but also for its practical applications in novel photonic devices. Originally, the quantum ...

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