How spin dances with dipole

The key physical property of multiferroic materials is the existence of a coupling between magnetism and polarization. The origin and manifestations of magnetoelectricity can be very different in the available multiferroic ...

A quantum magnet with a topological twist

Taking their name from an intricate Japanese basket pattern, kagome magnets are thought to have electronic properties that could be valuable for future quantum devices and applications. Theories predict that some electrons ...

Understanding a cell's 'doorbell'

A multi-institutional project to understand one of the major targets of human drug design has produced new insights into how structural communication works in a cell component called a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCRs), ...

Diamonds show promise for spintronic devices

Conventional electronics rely on controlling electric charge. Recently, researchers have been exploring the potential for a new technology, called spintronics, that relies on detecting and controlling a particle's spin. This ...

Characterization of magnetic nanovortices simplified

Magnetic nanovortices, so-called "skyrmions", count among the most promising candidates for the future of information technology. Processors and storage media making use of these tiny structures could one day lead to the ...

Tiniest spin devices becoming more stable

(—In 2011, the research group of Roland Wiesendanger, Physics Professor at the University of Hamburg in Germany, fabricated a spin-based logic device using the spins of single atoms, a feat that represents the ...

Ultrafast uncoupled magnetism in atoms

Future computers will require a magnetic material which can be manipulated ultra-rapidly by breaking the strong magnetic coupling. A study has been published in Nature Communications today in which Swedish and German scientists ...

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