AI predicts enzyme function better than leading tools

A new artificial intelligence tool can predict the functions of enzymes based on their amino acid sequences, even when the enzymes are unstudied or poorly understood. The researchers said the AI tool, dubbed CLEAN, outperforms ...

Antibiotic resistance testing no longer impeded by time

Significant time is needed to determine the drug susceptibility profile of a bacterial infection. Now, researchers from Nara Institute of Science and Technology and collaborating partners have published reports on a technology ...

Beyond AlphaFold: AI excels at creating new proteins

Over the past two years, machine learning has revolutionized protein structure prediction. Now, three papers in Science describe a similar revolution in protein design.

When did genetic variations that make us human emerge?

The study of the genomes of our closest relatives, the Neanderthals and Denisovans, has opened up new research paths that can broaden our understanding of the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens. A study led by the UB has ...

Why freemium software has no place in our classrooms

Digital teaching and communication tools are increasingly present in kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms. By April 2020, not long after the onset of the pandemic, Google Classroom had doubled its users to more than 100 million.

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