Climate chemistry and the tropics

(—New models are being developed to predict how changing land use in the tropics could affect future climate, air quality and crop production.

Catalyser for clean rainforest air

( -- The atmosphere’s robust capacity to clean itself is owed to the consistent recycling of its cleaning agent. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz have now clarified exactly ...

Scientists utilise breath and sweat to detect trapped humans

Molecules in their breath, sweat and skin have been used to detect humans in a simulation of a collapsed building, raising the prospect of portable sensors for use in real-life situations, such as the devastating aftermath ...

On the road to 'sweet' tires made with a more sustainable process

Motorists will be driving on the world's first "green" tires within the next five years, scientists predicted here today, thanks to a revolutionary new technology that produces a key tire ingredient from renewable feedstocks ...

Missing link of cloud formation

The discovery of an unknown hitherto chemical compound in the atmosphere may help to explain how and when clouds are formed. The discovery of the so called dihydroxyepoxides (an aerosol-precursor), is reported in this week's ...

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