Chemical data mining boosts search for new organic semiconductors

Organic semiconductors are lightweight, flexible and easy to manufacture. But they often fail to meet expectations regarding efficiency and stability. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) are now deploying ...

What smart bees can teach humans about collective intelligence

When it comes to making decisions, most of us are influenced to some degree by other people, whether that's choosing a restaurant or a political candidate. We want to know what others think before we make that choice.

Non-breeding ravens live in highly dynamic social groups

Ravens have impressive cognitive skills when interacting with conspecifics – comparable to many primates, whose social intelligence has been related to their life in groups. An international collaboration of researchers ...

Justice Department is venue for Obama NSA speech

The White House says President Barack Obama will travel to the Justice Department to announce the results of his review of National Security Agency surveillance programs.

Obama to meet with lawmakers, intel leaders on NSA

President Barack Obama is inviting lawmakers and intelligence officials to the White House to discuss National Security Agency programs as Obama prepares to unveil what changes he's prepared to make to the programs.

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