Machine tools receiving a check-up

Influences like temperature variation, drafts, and air humidity can heavily compromise precision. The Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU is exposing machines to various climate zones around ...

Humidity switches molecular diode off and on

An international group of scientists from Leiden, Delft, Bern and Chuo has developed the first switchable molecular diode, which can be turned on and off through humidity. It also functions as a humidity sensor at the nanoscale. ...

Lighting a path to smarter homes, roads and bridges

If you're worried about carbon monoxide poisoning, you might purchase a detector for your home. But what if your house itself could sense carbon monoxide and other potentially harmful gases – nitrogen oxides, natural gas, ...

Using drones for better crops

A study carried out by researchers from Robotics and Cybernetics Research Group (RobCib) at Centre for Automation and Robotics (CAR) has used a drone to measure the temperature, humidity, luminosity and carbon dioxide concentration ...

Unofficial 'Spider-Man' follows nature's lead

Eden Steven, a physicist at Florida State University's MagLab facility, discovered that simple methods can result in surprising and environmentally friendly high-tech outcomes during his experiments with spider silk and carbon ...

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