Preparing a homogenous haystack

( -- What if you could turn the whole haystack into needles? Instead of hunting for one item, you’d have 10 billion of the desired items laid out neatly in front of you. That’s what researchers at the ...

Oxidation mechanisms at gold nanoclusters unraveled

Researchers believe that the puzzle of catalytic gold is now partially solved. Gold can catalyse an oxidation reaction by first oxidising itself. New research evidence on gold-oxide phase at room temperature and atmospheric ...

Finnish scientists unveil secrets of a chiral gold nanocluster

Researchers at the Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience Center of the University of Jyvaskyla (Finland) have resolved the structural, electronic and optical properties of a chiral gold nanocluster that remained a mystery ...

Brookhaven Lab chemists receive patents for fuel-cell catalysts

Chemists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have received three patents for developing catalysts to accelerate chemical reactions in fuel cells. The newly patented catalysts, as well as a method ...

Bacterium helps formation of gold

Australian scientists have found that the bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans catalyses the biomineralisation of gold by transforming toxic gold compounds to their metallic form using active cellular mechanism.

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