Related topics: children

Study finds foster youth lack critical financial skills

Most people rely on family members to help them learn how to open a bank account, find a job or create a budget, but that's often not an option for youth in foster care, according to a recent study in Child & Family Social ...

At three days old, newborn mice remember their moms

For mice, the earliest social memories can form at three days old and last into adulthood, scientists report on January 26 in the journal Cell Reports. They show that mouse pups prefer their mothers to unfamiliar mouse mothers ...

Poverty impacts child protection system contact

A child's chance of entering the child protection system is intrinsically linked to the deprivation of the area in which they live, University of Otago research has highlighted.

Bromethalin is poisoning the parrots of Telegraph Hill

Bromethalin, a common rat poison, is the agent responsible for a neurological disease that has sickened or killed birds from a popular flock of naturalized parrots that reside primarily in the Telegraph Hill area in north ...

Consumer-led research gives a voice to disadvantaged

In the last week of August 2018, the Australian Government's Productivity Commission released its "Rising inequality? A stocktake of the evidence" research paper. Its conclusion: "Over nearly three decades, inequality has ...

Children in foster care at educational disadvantage

Many of the 48,000 Australian children in foster care may struggle to reach national literacy and numeracy benchmarks, could be at higher risk than their peers of becoming disengaged with schooling, being suspended or expelled, ...

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