Raman holography for biology

Raman spectroscopy is widely used in analytical sciences to identify molecules via their structural fingerprint. In the biological context the Raman response provides a valuable label-free specific contrast that allows distinguishing ...

Shining a light on the issue of wine fraud

University of Adelaide wine researchers are developing a fast and simple method of authenticating wine—a potential solution against the estimated billions of dollars' worth of wine fraud globally, but also offering a possible ...

Fluorescence spectroscopy helps to evaluate meat quality

Scientists of Sechenov University with colleagues from Australia have proposed a quicker and cheaper way to assess meat quality. It is based on exposing a small sample to UV light and measuring the spectrum of emission. The ...

Science puts historical claims to the test

The latest analytical techniques available to scientists can confirm the validity of historical sources in some cases, and suggest a need for reconsideration in others.

Cell polarity: An aurora over the pole

Even before the fertilised egg or zygote can start dividing into daughter cells that form the future tissues and organs during the development of a multicellular organism, the symmetrical zygote needs to become asymmetrical ...

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