House: Private laptop theft from US hits 'most vulnerable'

The top watchdogs in the House demanded to know Tuesday why a personal laptop taken from a federal building in Washington state was used to conduct child-support audits, especially because it and other stolen hard drives ...

Tracking freight flows

A new freight database developed with assistance from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory will help transportation officials improve highways, railroads and other trade routes across the country. With ...

World's first accelerated testing facility for bridges

Rutgers is launching the world's first outdoor laboratory capable of simulating deterioration that occurs on bridges by inflicting and intensifying stresses from the environment and heavy traffic on sections of bridges in ...

Women drivers closing the mileage gap

While men still drive more miles annually, women are slowly catching up, says a University of Michigan researcher.

3-D model could help manage US bridge maintenance crisis

Nearly one out of every nine bridges in the United States is deemed structurally deficient and potentially dangerous, according to the Federal Highway Administration. It would cost an estimated $70 billion to catch up with ...

Intelligent warning systems may make 'dilemma zone' safer

Most drivers have experienced a traffic signal that turns yellow just as they approach an intersection, which makes it difficult for them to decide whether to stop or proceed through it. The wrong choice in this critical ...

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