Near-field routing of hyperbolic metamaterials

Near-field light is invisible light at the subwavelength scale. Harnessed for a variety of practical applications, such as wireless power transfer, near-field light has an increasingly significant role in the development ...

The power of attraction: Magnets in particle accelerators

In 1820, Hans Christian Oersted gave a demonstration on electricity to a class of advanced students at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Using an early battery prototype, he looked to see what effect an electric current ...

First observation of native ferroelectric metal

In a paper released today in Science Advances, Australian researchers describe the first observation of a native ferroelectric metal: a native metal with bistable and electrically switchable spontaneous polarization states—the ...

More than a spring-clean for LHC magnets

In April, work began on one of the major projects scheduled for the second long shutdown (LS2) of the CERN accelerators: improving the electrical insulation of over 1200 magnets in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). To complete ...

How spin dances with dipole

The key physical property of multiferroic materials is the existence of a coupling between magnetism and polarization. The origin and manifestations of magnetoelectricity can be very different in the available multiferroic ...

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