Related topics: children

Einstein was 'wrong,' not your science teacher

"Your teacher was wrong!" It's a phrase many a high school or university student has heard. As practicing and former science teachers, we have been challenged with this accusation before.

Lipid metabolism controls brain development

Neural stem cells are not only responsible for early brain development—they remain active for an entire lifetime. They divide and continually generate new nerve cells and enable the brain to constantly adapt to new demands. ...

Slacking on your savings? Cognitive bias could be to blame

Despite working hard, Americans are notoriously poor at saving money. The average American working-age couple has saved only $5,000 for retirement, while 43 percent of working-age families have no retirement savings at all, ...

Study refutes theory linking cognition, genes and income

Researchers have cast doubt on a widely-held belief that connects family income with cognitive development, according to a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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