Witnessing uncivil behavior

Suppose you're at a nice restaurant celebrating your anniversary. When a customer at a nearby table complains that it's taking too long to get his meal, you and your spouse overhear the server's brusque response. Would the ...

LDAIR, a lncRNA regulates seasonal changes in stress response

Biologists at the National Institute for Basic Biology and the Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM) at Nagoya University have discovered that long non-coding RNA regulates seasonal changes in stress response in ...

New study shows animals may get used to drones

A new study in Conservation Physiology shows that over time, bears get used to drones. Previous work indicated that animals behave fearfully or show a stress response near drone flights. Using heart monitors to gauge stress, ...

Switching between freezing and flight

Andreas Lüthi and his group at the FMI have identified two types of neurons in the amygdala, each of which generates a distinct fear response – freezing or flight. In addition, these two cell types interact, thus creating ...

Tax code details 'not visible' to working poor

(Phys.org) —Congressional tax-code writers hoped the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) would change behavior of the poor by rewarding work. They worried EITC might keep unwed mothers from marrying, or make them have more ...

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