In the face of stress, flies unite

Flies exposed to a stress signal when in a group adopt a more effective response than isolated insects, found researchers at UNIL and EPFL. These typically solitary dipterans interact to generate a coherent collective response. ...

Researchers uncover that moths talk about sex in many ways

Moths are nocturnal, and they have one major enemy; the bat. As a defense many moths developed ears sensitive to the bat´s echolocation cries, and they have also developed different behaviors to avoid bats. Now it turns ...

Females tagged in wasp mating game

(—The flick of an antenna may be how a male wasp lays claim to his harem, according to new research at Simon Fraser University.

Marine plants can flee to avoid predators, researchers say

Scientists at the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography have made the first observation of a predator avoidance behavior by a species of phytoplankton, a microscopic marine plant. Susanne Menden-Deuer, ...

Cultural research may be misleading

Making assumptions about culture based on existing research that scores countries according to various dimensions may be a flawed process, according to two academics from The University of Queensland Business School.

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