Searching for resilience to sea star wasting disease

Your body is home to a unique collection of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in and on you, known as your microbiome. When everything is in balance, you feel good. But when your microbiome is off, you can get sick. ...

Save the economy, save the planet, says sustainability expert

A new book by UVM economist Jon Erickson, "The Progress Illusion: Reclaiming Our Future from the Fairytale of Economics" (Island Press, Dec. 1) explores the harsh economic realities that have led to sky-high inflation, growing ...

Creating a better way to track groundwater contamination

Keith Klepeis, Ph.D., professor of geology in the University of Vermont's Department of Geography and Geosciences, recently partnered with colleagues from the Vermont Geological Survey (part of the Department of Conservation), ...

Cultivating meat for a sustainable future

Americans love their meat. According to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, Americans consume, on average, more than 270 pounds of meat each year. The Johns Hopkins Center for A Livable Future reports that, ...

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