How to weigh a kilogram of beef

Measuring the complete environmental footprint of that beef burger sizzling on the grill is complicated.

Highly anticipated nuclear experiment underway

Neutron stars were recently in the news because the gravitational wave observatory, LIGO, detected a neutron star merger. Neutron stars are very interesting objects. A teaspoon of neutron star matter is so dense it would ...

Climate change may be putting beluga whales out of their depths

An international team of researchers has found that the physical condition of beluga whales affects their capacity to store oxygen in their blood and muscle tissues, likely impacting their ability to dive. In a paper published ...

Finally, a breathtaking photo of beluga whale snot

The above photo captures a beluga calf exhaling thousands of tiny droplets of respiratory vapour, which are valuable to science. The droplets—snot, essentially—help researchers like U of M's Justine Hudson measure stress ...

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