How partisan politics could take a bite out of your wallet

When individuals lack the skill or time to build an investment portfolio, they frequently invest in mutual funds. Ideally, mutual funds maximize client wealth by investing their clients' assets in funds that best match the ...

Preventing toxic work environments through ethical leadership

Recently published research from SDSU management professor, Dr. Gabi Eissa and University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire management professor, Dr. Rebecca Wyland, shows that "managers who demonstrate ethical leadership through ...

New study examines role of sea urchins on California kelp

California sheephead and spiny lobsters may be helping control sea urchin populations in Southern California kelp forests, where sea otters—a top urchin predator—have long been missing, according to a new San Diego State ...

For night vision, snakes see a clear choice

San Diego State University doctoral student Hannes Schraft wanted to learn whether rattlesnakes find their way around at night with their eyes alone, or get an assist from the same thermal-sensing abilities they use to hunt ...

What's still threatening coastal California condors?

A portrait of a California condor, one of the world's largest flying birds, hangs opposite the desk of Nathan Dodder. The image is a constant reminder of the threatened bird that the San Diego State University analytical ...

Getting conservationists and fishers on the same page

Historically, fisheries and the conservation community have struggled to find common ground. The tension between one's desire to turn a profit and the other's to preserve endangered or protected marine species that can be ...

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