Hydrocarbon storage, fracking and lightning risk

Fires caused by lightning strikes on hydrocarbon storage plants are a century-old, yet to be addressed, problem, according to research published in the International Journal of Forensic Engineering. In the era of hydraulic ...

Consumers care about carbon footprint

How much do consumers care about the carbon footprint of the products they buy? Would they care more if the goods were labeled with emissions data? Does it matter at which stage in the lifecycle of a product the carbon is ...

How private is your browser's privacy mode?

A forensic analysis of the so-called "private" browsing modes of the most popular web browsers, Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera, reveals that the Microsoft product tested in this research ...

Assessing carbon capture technology

Carbon capture and storage could be used to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and thus ameliorate their impact on climate change. The focus of this technology is on the large-scale reduction of carbon emissions from fossil-fuelled ...

Closing a malware security loophole

An add-on for antivirus software that can scan across a computer network and trap malicious activity missed by the system firewall is being developed by an international team. Details are reported in the International Journal ...

Since when was your privacy a commodity?

Have we sold out on our privacy to big data? That's the question addressed in the International Journal of Society Systems Science where researchers identify a gap in big data research. They suggest that while privacy has ...

Finding fake feedback posted online

How can you, the consumer, trust the customer feedback posted at online shopping sites when hoping to make a purchasing decision? Conversely, as the company running the site, how can it protect its reputation from false negative ...

Companies being responsible on social media

Companies that attempt to use social networking to communicate ethical messages of corporate responsibility to consumers are wasting their human resources and money if they do not engage with users directly, according to ...

Really, what is the internet of things?

The Internet of Things, IoT, the cloud, big data...buzzwords for the modern age. But, asks Won Kim, Jaehyuk Choi and colleagues in the Department of Software at Gachon University, in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea: Is the IoT actually ...

Scientists defrauded by hijacked journals

Scientific progress is being hindered by the emergence of a relatively new kind of fraud – the hijacked scientific journal, according to researchers from Iran and Poland. They describe the problem and its detrimental effects ...

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