Trends in Biotechnology is unique in drawing together a wide readership of scientists and engineers from the many disciplines of the applied biosciences. As in the successful biotechnology companies and leading academic research groups, Trends in Biotechnology reflects the view that biotechnology is the integrated use of many biological technologies - from molecular genetics to biochemical engineering. This integration is essential for the effective translation of novel research into application. The journal addresses what is new, significant and practicable.

Cell Press
Impact factor
9.148 (2011)

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An overview of the 30-year history of metabolic engineering

A research team comprised of Gi Bae Kim, Dr. So Young Choi, Dr. In Jin Cho, Da-Hee Ahn, and Distinguished Professor Sang Yup Lee from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at KAIST have summarized the 30-year ...

Interactive map of metabolical synthesis of chemicals

A research team comprised of Woo Dae Jang, Gi Bae Kim, and Distinguished Professor Sang Yup Lee of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at KAIST reported an interactive metabolic map of bio-based chemicals. ...

Microscaffolds: A new strategy in tissue engineering

Until now, there have been two completely different approaches to producing artificial tissue. At TU Wien, a third approach has now been developed that combines the advantages of both.

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