First demonstration of sexual selection in dinosaurs identified

Large ornamental structures in dinosaurs, such as horns and head crests are likely to have been used in sexual displays and to assert social dominance, according to a new analysis of Protoceratops carried out by scientists ...

Free app empowers public to locate, recognize ancient fossils

Imagine shoveling soil to create a backyard garden plot and unearthing a rock embossed with the fossil remnant of a creature you've never seen before. It looks like something out of the ocean, but you live in the Midwest.

Researchers reconstruct dinosaur tracks

Twelve years ago, footprints of carnivorous dinosaurs were discovered and excavated in a quarry near Goslar. Paleontologists from the University of Bonn, working with Dinosaur Park Münchehagen and the State Museum of Hanover, ...

International team of scientists launches fossil database

Have you ever wondered exactly when a certain group of plants or animals first evolved? This week a groundbreaking new resource for scientists will go live, and it is designed to help answer just those kinds of questions. ...

Scientists find gold-plated fossil solution

( -- An international team of scientists in the University of Leicester’s Department of Geology has found a solution to a research problem involving fossils right next door - in the University’s Chemistry ...

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