Lyrebirds are losing their voices due to continued habitat loss

A new study led by Western Sydney University has found that Albert's lyrebirds are negatively impacted by continued habitat loss, with variation in song diversity indicating declining population health and the need for conservation ...

The perilous migratory journey of the eastern whip-poor-will

Using GPS tags attached to the birds, researchers discovered some surprising facts about the long migrations that eastern whip-poor-wills make from their Midwest breeding grounds to where they winter in Mexico and Central ...

Tropical coral species at extreme risk from climate change

New Curtin University research has found that the coral species living on the pristine reefs in Western Australia's Kimberley and offshore regions will be in danger of disappearing or moving south to cooler waters, if urgent ...

Dragonfly species losses and gains in Germany

Germany is a hotspot for dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) species in Europe, owing to the range of habitats and climates that it provides. While many recent and mostly small-scale studies suggest long-term declines of ...

Global change: A tight squeeze for African great apes

Climate change will drastically reduce the range of African great apes over the next 30 years. This was predicted by an international team of researchers with the participation of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity ...

Lichens slow to return after wildfires

Lichen communities may take decades—and in some cases up to a century—to fully return to chaparral ecosystems after wildfire, finds a study from the University of California, Davis, and Stanford University.

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