In a similar way that "dot dot dot" in morse code translates as S, so too the genetic code is ...

Oh please don't insult our intelligence. We really don't need the morse code analogy here; its really not difficult to understand the simple concept of translation.

We really don't need the morse code analogy here; its really not difficult to understand the simple concept of translation.

Well, judging by the comments of some people here .....

@humy-- I won't downvote your comment although it's certainly not very welcoming to individuals who might be attempting to learn new things on this site but who haven't yet become as expert as you are. No one should be discouraged from venturing into new areas and the more that what they already know can be appealed to in order to build new understanding, the better. Analogy is an excellent method for doing this, and this is an article written by a science writer attempting to translate the actual article in Current Biology for a popular audience after all, not specialists. Perhaps there are biologists unfamiliar with morse code.