Hurry, The world is waiting........ You can do it ! !

This is needed. But first it needs to be verified. To my understanding this phenomenon is supposed to have the underpinnings of the Heizenberg Uncertainty Principle and other aspects that are supposed to support the overall theory of quantum mechanics. But there was an experiment done that refuted the HUP.

"In addition to the invalidation of the HUP as the basis of the wave particle duality, the other
aspect of the HUP, the measurement-disturbance relationship of the HUP, has been tested for the first time and experimentally disproved" [L. A. Rozema, A. Darabi, D. H. Mahler, A. Hayat, Y. Soudagar, A. M. Steinberg, "Violation of Heisenberg's
Measurement-Disturbance Relationship by Weak Measurements," Phys. Rev. Lett., 109 (2012), 100404.].:
pp 1638
Also the Aspect experiment at Bell Labs was also refuted:
The Aspect Experiment-No Spooky Action at a Distance

Cashme, what you are missing is the continuing improvements of the technology to enable detection of entanglement at a distance.

And not just better instruments but greater collections of data to be analyzed with more refined methodology.

In science, what might have been a reasonable speculation? Attempts to produce a verifiable prediction. Which becomes an experiment. That results in ambiguous conclusions. That prompts new speculations on how to produce new experiments. And so, on it goes.

As time passes, our knowledge grows ever more obsolete. Just as every college TA lecturing you in your courses would mock the failures of dead researchers. After all, in our greater wisdom, we know everything now!

Another generation or two, it will be their turned to be mocked by future TA's.

And yes, so it does keep going.

Could this technology be leading to an instantaneous communication method to interface with other intelligent life in the universe?

yes most certainly

No, most definitely not. Classical information is still limited to C.