"God created Primates... But it was Granny Hominid figuring out how to use Fire that created Humans."

Tens of thousands of years of using fire as the 'Great Equalizer' to make up for crappy stone and wood weapons greatly expanded the modern deserts. The Pueblo Indians ancestors devastated their environment. Leaving today only the pitiful remnant ecology.

The Sahara and the Gobi are prime examples of ten thousand generations of abuse by humans misusing fire. Then we added a thousand generations of land-stripping stock raising.

Cause no situation is so bad that Mankind will fail to make the effort to make it even worse!

"....did you just miss that part about the Gobi Desert being far from major bodies of water in the middle of the largest continent on the planet?..."

Huh, I musta been thinking that the Himalayas, also in the middle of the biggest continent, receives a hefty dose of snow on at least a semi-regular basis. Feeding the melt in all directions across Asia.

Come to think of it TB, if your irrelevant argument has any bearing on my contention? You are actually supporting my speculation about the long history of human activities making a bad situation worse....

Thanks buddy!

"God created Primates... But it was Granny Hominid figuring out how to use Fire that created Humans."

Tens of thousands of years of using fire as the 'Great Equalizer' to make up for crappy stone and wood weapons greatly expanded the modern deserts. The Pueblo Indians ancestors devastated their environment. Leaving today only the pitiful remnant ecology.

The Sahara and the Gobi are prime examples of ten thousand generations of abuse by humans misusing fire. Then we added a thousand generations of land-stripping stock raising.

Cause no situation is so bad that Mankind will fail to make the effort to make it even worse!

This is one Chicken Little Jackass who loves to hear himself bray about his absolute ignorance.

Oh auntyoral, are you off your meds again?