Tensegrity - The Geometry of Thinking


Tensegrity is one of Bucky Fuller's things. It's interesting to find it in molecular biology, but not particularly surprising.

discovered that Nature uses an architectural principle known as "tensegrity"

Once again it becomes pretty absurd how something that obviously required DESIGN is being attributed to a non-existing, non-living, unintelligent entity. Just what is this "nature" thing that somehow magically is able to create all of life as we know it?
So many things have been observed which elicit the word "design(ed)" for which the design is credited to this mysterious unknown entity. Just plain absurd that some un-intelligent, random process ( unobserved too, by the way) can "design" anything. A complete oxy-moron. "Design" implies purpose and purpose implies intelligence.

So which is it? "Nature" or God? You decide.

discovered that Nature uses an architectural principle known as "tensegrity"

As for those who want to clamour for the evolutionary magic, consider this simple thing:
When one sits or squats the muscles get compressed. Within those muscles are veins and arteries that still has to convey blood. Cells still have to carry on functioning etc.
So instead of those muscles and cells suddenly dying off from starvation or stress, they simply "bounce" back and carry on working as per normal. Try that with your average bicycle, car, toaster, computer etc and see what happens. This is why of course, these researchers have gone on to DESIGN and create such amazing auto-collapsible robots and other structures.
ONCE AGAIN -They used the DESIGN found in biological systems to inspire them, just as so many others have done before them with all kinds of bio mimicry.
Where is the evolutionary process that builds a Boeing 777 airplane via a tornado blowing thru a junkyard?

Where is the evolutionary process that builds a Boeing 777 airplane via a tornado blowing thru a junkyard?

What a slap in the face of people who worked so hard.

It wasn't a junkyard, it was appx 500(ish?) years of speculation and experimentation with gliders leading up to two kids who lived at the right time in history to marry research data on aerodynamics, a combustion engine constructed from aluminum alloys, and a glider frame.

A fixed wing aircraft was just about the worst analogy you could have made.

As for those who want to clamour for the evolutionary magic, consider this simple thing:
When one sits or squats the muscles get compressed. Within those muscles are veins and arteries that still has to convey blood. Cells still have to carry on functioning etc.
So instead of those muscles and cells suddenly dying off from starvation or stress, they simply "bounce" back and carry on working as per normal. Try that with your average bicycle, car, toaster, computer etc and see what happens.

This analogy glosses over the whole concept of the time involved in order to render it a binary outcome. If said muscles stay compressed for too long the cells do die for lack of circulation of new material in and old used material out. Likewise, when the lithium cells in my PC run low, if I charge them it returns to functioning normally. If the cells stay discharged for too long though they're dead for good.