How about injecting into both hemispheres?

Among other things, those who wish to deny chemtrails insist that it is impossible to spread enough chemical to affect the atmosphere. This report treats it as if it is at least all but immediately possible to arrange. And, consider, chemtrailing appears to have been going on since at least the Fifties. Initially, they were invisible. In 1997, the atmosphere appears to have become saturated with chemical so any new contributions precipitated out and that's why they became visible.

It should be mentioned that there are a number of other reasons for not engaging in this kind of program to "stop 'global warming'". Among other things, actions like launching huge umbrellas into orbit or creating clouds to reflect sunlight back to space will deprive many people of the well being of a clear sky. Many, for example, have "seasonal affective disorder, so darkness, murk makes them depressed. And it was found that many people react to the light blue of a clear sky by becoming imaginative. The New World Order would appreciate being able to control people's feelings. Also, the techniques mentioned would literally throw away what God is offering, sunlight. To fo that can lead to God punishing man, and, when God acts, He does so in a way that won't be mistaken for the actions of men.

Interesting. We know more than enough to tell everyone how to live their lives and all the risks that entails, but the risks from actually trying to do something active about the problem are considered extreme. Hmmmm.

Michael Crichton's book, "State of Fear" illustrated the lengths (through fiction) that these global warming lunatics might go through to get their way. It was one of the few of Crichton's books not made into a movie, because Hollywood is filled with liberal shills who won't produce anything that goes against their left-wing belief system.

Many, for example, have "seasonal affective disorder, so darkness, murk makes them depressed. And it was found that many people react to the light blue of a clear sky by becoming imaginative. The New World Order would appreciate being able to control people's feelings. Also, the techniques mentioned would literally throw away what God is offering, sunlight. To fo that can lead to God punishing man, and, when God acts, He does so in a way that won't be mistaken for the actions of men.

Why do nutjobs such as yourself even visit scientific websites? I don't get it. You'd think you'd spew your religious and conspiracy theorist bullshit on forums with like minded individuals, so you can all feel better about yourselves when everyone re-affirms your false beliefs.