But fear not!

These findings aren't likely stop this supplementary material from finding its way into the supply of finished goods.

Reason being that this ash is a waste product, and very cheap, indeed, which lowers the cost of production significantly. And what does lower production cost result in?

You guessed it: more profit$$$$!!!

And in a globalist capitalist economy, safety is at best a secondary consideration to profitability.

Probably it were best if the little pigs went back to building their homes of sticks and straw, rather than have the Big, Bad Wolf microwave their asses right where they live.

If this is what's left in the furnace, how much has gone up the stacks, to be blown to the winds? Not just Chinese coal, bust most of the world's coal contains some degree of heavy metals, from uranium and thorium to mercury, lead, and cadmium.
I would rather live next door to a nuke than a hundred miles downwind of a coal powerplant.

How do these levels compare with those of my granite counter tops?