Entanglement does not work as you think. Measuring one particle detemines what will happen with the other instantly, but you can not control the value of any of them . Just measure it. From both points of views it looks purely random , until you compare both results and see that they are related

Space junk. The more of this stuff they put up there, the greater the risk to people and spacecraft up there.

Can we spell: s p o o k y a c t i o n a t a d i s t a n c e ! " ?

I think you haven't yet understood quantum mechanics. *Action* is not the same as information transmission. The chinese endeavours are completely in line with QM and relativity. The cosmic speed limit still holds (and has never been 'threatened' by QM).

One cannot use quantum communication to transfer classical information.

Pretty good idea. Might take a while to work, but it's comparatively cheap. We just have to be patient.