"Give the Collective all your treasure and liberty, and after 80% of the proletariat who "volunteered" to be eliminated have been disposed of, we, your most wise elders of the nomemklatura, will prevent all the bad thing our computer models "proved" would happen. You will be required to be extremely grateful."

"Give the Collective all your treasure and liberty, and after 80% of the proletariat who "volunteered" to be eliminated have been disposed of, we, your most wise elders of the nomemklatura, will prevent all the bad thing our computer models "proved" would happen. You will be required to be extremely grateful."

Fecal regurgitation. What a filthy addiction.

"Give the Collective all your treasure and liberty,

Did you even read the article? One of the points is that we currently give away a lot of money in the form of tax cuts to fossil fuel companies. in addition you're spending a lot on healtcare due to the effects of fossil fuels on people...as well as the tax dollars you'll be shelling out to farmers hit by drought and the forced labor/taxation needed to mitigate sea level risse to all the coatsal cities and aquifers.
Renewables let you KEEP your money.

But if you love spending taxes. Fine. Be that way. Keep spedning through the nose while the rest of the world spend s the saved taxes on fun stuff.

I fear these finding may be simply completely ignored by most policy makers because I fear most policy makers may be STUPID; we shall see.

I fear most policy makers may be STUPID

Policy makers are humans that act in their own interest, viz:
- get reelected (in the short term)
- get rich (in the short term. Note how no really poor or average salary people are ever elected into any policy making office?)

There's absolutely nothing in acting on climate change that would further this agenda.
So I don't think they are stupid. The voter is stupid for electing them and believing they#d actually act in the (long term) interest of the people.

-then it is the voters that are stupid (and sometimes bad) and the policy makers are bad (and sometimes stupid).