Curious thing: as a teenager I realized that when I went into _mental overdrive_ (mentat!) state, I generally get all flushed as the blood rush to my head, lovely red blotches mostly on my throat and neck. I concluded back then that this blood supply is not binary but more like VBR (like mp3 encoding) - sometimes you need more, mostly you don't. The holes therefore indicate a _maximum_ flow rate, and not a general or fixed flow.

This is therefore a great study for me to read as now I know that the morphology of the skull must be able to allow this *boosting*. The flush, I believe, is simply because the arteries are not dedicated pipes, but networks which will supply excess blood to some part in the region of transport.


This is not new! I heard about this in a lecture series years ago.

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Hmmm.. apparently the oriental average brain size is 10% larger I saw on BBC Horizon.

"Why we should expect, that the larger and more complex brain would require less oxygen and blood?" It's about blood flow increase COMPARED to size increase. The need for blood increased way more than the size did. And that is far from trivial.

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"Any conclusions?" Yes. Women then seem to have better connected and efficient brains, and as such manage to be similarly capable in cognitive tasks.

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"Any conclusions?" Yes. Women then seem to have better connected and efficient brains, and as such manage to be similarly capable in cognitive tasks.

Unfortunately, not borne-out by real-life accomplishment, in any field requiring intelligence, creativity, spacial cognition.

Brain size has increased about 350% over human evolution, but we found that blood flow to the brain increased an amazing 600%
Actually what was observed was the increasing of the foramina carotid diameter. Carotid arteries in women are smaller even after adjusting for body and neck size, age, and blood pressure. Any conclusions?

Do you seen the similarity to caloric input and longevity?
Women live longer... hmmmm...

Unfortunately, not borne-out by real-life accomplishment, in any field requiring intelligence, creativity, spacial cognition.
True. But this isn't really relevant i think. There is no female Kasparov, Magnus Carlsen, Albert Einstein, Vettel , Hawking or whatever. But women on average do as well as men in tasks requiring intelligence, creativity etc.

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What about heart size, strength, rate?

What about heart size, strength, rate?

What about blood vessel wall thickness, stretchability, etc?

Seems to me that the variate a have not been well isolated.