Well, infinite phonon life is pure nonsense!
Cars, businesses, technology; on average obsolete, wrecked, discarded, etc within 10 years. That is 10 x 365 x 24 x 3600 seconds = 3E7 seconds, obviously longer than the trap device has been tested for.
This amount of time is vastly less than infinite; 1E100000000000000000000000000000000000000000.....+++seconds.
Nonsense assumptions result in nonsense conclusions. Get real!

I'll believe it when I see it...
There is no actual device - only a suggestion of how it MIGHT be possible...

Free the light!

If the bit was an entangled bit, would it still retain that property if trapped? If so, if you observed the other entangled bit, would this trap bit be defined? Sending billions of entangled photons to a distant site at the speed of light, whild capturing the other photons could allow you to have a telemetry device that travels at the speed of light, determining what it sees by later examining the properties of the trapped photons

Whats with the Q-Dots?

...so that in principle the lifetime can be infinitely large even in a real device.

And so, apparently, can the project's funding!

Of course, we can't actually show it to you, or it would escape, but trust us, it's still in there!

So many questions... So if you can't see the trapped light it's equivalent to an infinite black hole. But will it evade the big crunch? Does the word theoretically mean imaginary? Is this the realization of von Neumann's anti entropy demons? And what does this have to do with a floating Boltzman brain? Or is it an artifact of a hologram brane? And where in the world is Lisa Zyga?

I had an 8 diode transistor radio, with news, sports, and crazy liberals. Our conventional electron assembly is coming to an end, and photonics will eventually overtake our commercial needs.