Folks, look up my posts and ratings, and see the chronic malcontents who vote the posts down, but have no intelligent response, so they hide. One has not responded since April, but hides and votes to "punish" those with differing opinions.

It's safer that way, not having to defend yourself. Kinda like hiding in some Undisclosed Location screaming "Bring 'em on!".

Real character.
Cross posting is against site rules. Flooding to the tune of 1 post every 10 minutes is against site rules. Off topic posts are against site rules. Lying bullshit about your many phony titles and travels with CEOs and SR71s and such are against nature and common decency.

Youre a bonafide lunatic. You know this is true right? Physorg is not some place where lunatics like yourself should be allowed to run about screaming your heads off and soiling yourselves.