Can't wait.

"An even better decision would be to cancel the program entirely."

I agree, let's shut down all greenhouse causing energy making stations.

Oh, theres no electricity. You mean even after those trillions of many currencies were spent and thousands of wind farms made cluttering up all our green countrysides we still don't even have 1% usage of them.


When both oil and coal start running out, they're going to have to find a solution eventually. That might even include nuclear.

Coal and oil will be around for a long, long time.

I still have my secondary school books in the attic saying how coal and oil will run out by 2020, back in the 80's. Here we are, 7 years away, and still have plenty of it.

I am not saying it is renewable, it isn't. But the Earths has terra-tons of it still left

"I still have my secondary school books in the attic saying how coal and oil will run out by 2020, back in the 80's" - Triplehelix

I smell another lie.

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